Need fun ways to practise French between lessons?
Get a 15-minute lesson delivered straight to your Inbox or App and meet Victor Hugo & the Intergalactic (but French-speaking) agency. For web, tablet and mobile, practise whenever and wherever you like. Levels: A1-B2.
To learn more about Frantastique, click here.
Recevez une leçon de 10 minutes et améliorez rapidement votre français du quotidien et le français pour le travail. Pour les niveaux avancés seulement: B2-C1. Essayez Frantastique Ortho pendant 2 semaines, gratuitement. To learn more about Frantastique Orthographe, click here.
Here is how those programmes work so well and why it’s so fun to practise French with them :
- A daily lesson delivered straight to your inbox or app.
- Microlearning: only 10 minutes per day (easy to fit in any busy schedule).
- A story: funny stories with up-to-date topics and authentic cultural references.
- Adaptive learning: personalized content that takes into account the impact of time and forgetfulness.