General French- Beginner Programme

This General French beginner programme is designed to provide you with a good idea of what you might cover over a typical course. It is flexible rather than prescriptive, in that it would be adapted to your specific level, aims and interests. Of course, it will also depend on the number of lessons you will have.

The topics/vocabulary or grammar won’t necessarily be studied in this order.

vocabularyTopics & Vocabulary:

  • Greetings
  • Formal/ Informal French (tu/vous)
  • Alphabet + letter combinations
  • Numbers
  • Giving personal details (address, telephone number, email, age)
  • Days of the week/ months
  • The weather/ seasons/ small talks
  • Nationalities, countries & languages
  • Professions
  • Writing a simple email
  • Filling in a simple form
  • Food and drinks/ Eating out (booking a table, ordering)
  • Shopping ( clothes, accessories, food)
  • Expressing likes and dislikes
  • Holidays in France and abroad/booking a ticket
  • Describing a place/ a city (jobs and places)/ Asking for directions
  • Daily life: describing your routine, habits/ Telling the time.

french culture croissantCultural content:

  • French etiquette: dos and don’ts in France
  • French-speaking countries culture (Francophonie)
  • French gastronomy
  • France geography
  • French celebrities
  • French bank holidays/ celebrations.

skills workSkills Work:

  • Lots of speaking/active practice
  • Role-plays
  • Lots of listening
  • Pronunciation – key sounds.


  • Key verbs (regular and irregular)/ present tense
  • Personal pronouns
  • Nouns: feminine, masculine, singular, plural
  • Definite and indefinite articles
  • Word order: sentence/question
  • Questions
  • Prepositions of place & time
  • Difference between “il y a” and “c’est”
  • Time indicators: depuis, pendant, il y a, etc.
  • Negative sentences
  • Key prepositions – à, dans, en, au, etc.
  • Adjective: agreement in gender/ number & order
  • Reflexive verbs (se raser, se parler etc)
  • Adverbs ending with –ment
  • Near future: aller + infinitive
  • Near past: venir de + infinitive
  • Verbs “savoir” & “connaître” (to know), the difference
  • Impersonal structure with “il” (Ex: Il fait chaud/ it’s hot)
  • Direct Object Pronouns: le, la, les.

All the lessons are truly tailor-made courses and customisable. I will listen to you and adapt and modify them where and when appropriate. To discuss your needs or course content, please contact me.